Shaak ti and aayla secura
Shaak ti and aayla secura

shaak ti and aayla secura

He stands just 66 cm tall, yet he is the most renowned and powerful Jedi Master in all galactic history. Yoda is of an unknown species from an unknown planet. Dooku is portrayed in the Star Wars films by Christopher Lee in Episodes II & III. He was brought to the dark side by Darth Sidious replacing Darth Maul. Dooku was a Jedi Master turned Sith Lord. It is said that only Mace Windu and Yoda are considered on equal terms.

shaak ti and aayla secura

He served as a combat instructor in the Jedi Temple. Dooku was a master swordsman known throughout the galaxy. Padawan of Yoda and Master of Qui-Gon Jin. Jedi: Count Dooku Jedi: Count Dookuĭooku, also known as Darth Tyranus or Count Dooku, is a male Human from the planet Serenno. Aayla Secura is portrayed in the Star Wars films by Amy Allen in Episodes II & III.

shaak ti and aayla secura

She died in the tragedy of Order 66 on Felucia. Aayla caved to the Dark Side for a period when she was involved with Volfe Karkko. She was a Jedi Knight and Clone Wars General. Aayla is very skilled in lightsaber combat. Aayla Secura is a female Twi'lek, an bluish alien species, from the planet Ryloth. George Lucas took a liking to the character and decided to use her. Jedi: Aayla Secura Jedi: Aayla SecuraĪayla Secura was first brought into the Star Wars saga by Dark Horse Comics. Mace Windu is portrayed in the Star Wars films by Samuel L. He saw Anakin's potential, but also realized his danger something that Yoda was not as able to sense. It is notable that Mace Windu never trusted Anakin Skywalker. He spent most of his time at the Jedi temple in Coruscant. He is very knowledgeable of Jedi philosophy and history. He served as leader of the clone armies as a peace-keeper, known for his fierce dedication, rigorous example, and steady discipline. Mace Windu was a senior member of the Jedi High Council since the age of 28, second only in authority to Yoda. Mace Windu is a male human from the planet Haruun Kal. Secura works directly under Captain Luminara Unduli, co-works with Lieutenant Yaddle, and is the direct commanding officer of Colonels Roth-Del Masona and Siri Tachi.Jedi: Mace Windu Jedi: Mace Windu Species, the Twi'leks, in the 1st Foreign Species Council.Īayla Secura currently holds the rank of Lieutenant in the Jedi Army, holding one of the 16 highest ranks in her Army. Secura is also the mentor to Roman demigod Hazel Levesque in the area of lightsaber combat. She holds the rank of Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic, and is currently serving in the Clone Wars. Her primary weapon is a blue-bladed lightsaber. She is a leading member of the Skilled Swordsman, and was trained by Jedi Master Quinlan Vos. She was never appointed to the Jedi High Council, but was considered on a couple occasions. Aayla Secura is a member of the Jedi Order, and holds the rank of Master within it.

Shaak ti and aayla secura